Sunday, February 05, 2006

Rowan: I am truly enjoying my favorite combination: Knitting while listening to books from Audible on my iPod. I finished "Across the Nightengale Floor" while on the airplane flying to Arizona to visit my mom after her surgery. Then I thought my mom might enjoy doing the same, so I read aloud to her from Amy Tan's new book "Saving Fish from Drowning" while she knit for a while on my sock. Now the sock has magic healing juju from my mom. I have to get Maisie to show me how to turn the heel pretty soon.

Maisie: Ugh, I am so bad. Four-count 'em: FOUR- new pairs of socks. But I have good reason. Really. The Opal Tiger ones are for my UNNAMEAB
LE FRIEND's birthday. I would have one one and be cruising along on the second one if not for the fact that I did the toe decreases on the top and bottom of the toe, not the sides, so I need to rip back a bit. The pink one is for my friend Louisa, the green for my friend Arjun, and the pukey one for Katy. The sweater for Shorty (Sarah) is pretty much the same as always, with its armholes pretty much done. My orange denim sweater is going along nicely (no pic). All in all, I kinda suck. Yeah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, am I impressed with you guys! My mom taught me to knit and crochet, but no matter how hard I tried, my gauge was always off - way too tight! Could it have been my anxiety showing up in my knitting? Maybe there's a metaphor for life in knitting - I'll think about it.

Anyway, I have never been the artistic needle person. But thank goodness someone(s) in our family is! Keep up the good work. Maisie, nice work on the boyfriend sweater! I hope he appreciates all the time and effort you put into it.



Wednesday, February 08, 2006 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maise & Rowan
I think it is so neat that the two of you are sharing this wonderful hobby (no way of life!!!) together :-) my great grandmother taught me how to knit when i was 4 in Germany and I continued the tradition teaching my daughter at the age of 4.. she can do it.. but for the time being at 10.. just doesn't feel like it all the time.. maybe i need to show her your blog and she might join me after all.. sometimes she seems to be jealeous of my knitting way(Obsession).. hee... hee..
well needle bound.. have a wonderful weekend.. and those socks for your friends are stunning.. i especially love the green one :-) karola (kori's mom)

Thursday, March 02, 2006 9:07:00 AM  

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